Node Configuration Options

This documentation outlines the various configuration options for nodes in the XRPL EVM sidechain project. Configuring a node correctly is essential for ensuring its intended role within the network. Below, we categorize configuration options into historical data storage, API exposure, and peer exchange configurations.

Historical Data based configuration

Nodes can be configured to store historical data in different ways based on their needs:

Archive or Historical

Stores all historical data from the genesis block. Useful for querying historical state and chain analysis.

Configuration in app.toml:

pruning = "nothing"


Stores only the most recent state and minimal historical data to save disk space.

Configuration in app.toml:

pruning = "default"

Full Pruned

Prunes historical data but retains enough for the complete validation of all blocks.

Configuration in app.toml:

pruning = "everything"

API based Configuration

Nodes can expose one or more APIs depending on their required functionality:

Tendermint RPC

Provides Tendermint-specific API for consensus and block queries.

Configuration in config.toml:

laddr = "tcp://"

Cosmos gRPC

Enables gRPC interface for Cosmos-based interactions.

Configuration in app.toml:

enable = true
address = ""

Cosmos RPC

Provides Cosmos REST API for interaction with the blockchain.

Configuration in app.toml:

enable = true
address = "tcp://"

Ethereum RPC and WS

Exposes Ethereum-compatible JSON-RPC and WS for EVM interaction.

Configuration in app.toml:

enable = true
address = ""
ws-address = ""

Peer Exchange based Configuration

Nodes can be configured for different peer exchange roles:

Seed Node

Stores a large address book that other peers can use to discover network participants but does not participate in consensus.

Configuration in config.toml:

max_num_inbound_peers = 200
max_num_outbound_peers = 500
pex = true
seed_mode = true

Sentry Node

Acts as an intermediary layer, providing additional security to validators by isolating them from direct peer connections.

Configuration in config.toml:

unconditional_peer_ids = "validator_node_id"
private_peer_ids = "validator_node_id"
addr_book_strict = false
pex = true

Private validator Node

Operates in isolation, connecting only to pre-specified peers.

Configuration in config.toml:

persistent_peers = "sentry_node_ids"
private_peer_ids = ""
double_sign_check_height = 10
pex = false


The following table provides example configurations for different node roles:

RoleHistoricalAPI ConfigurationPeer Exchange
ValidatorPruned NodeNo APIPrivate
Ethereum APIPruned NodeEthereum JSON RPC and WSSentry
Cosmos APIPruned NodeCosmos gRPC and Cosmos RPCSentry
Seed NodeFull Pruned NodeNo APISeed
Historical nodeFull historyNo APIPrivate

For further and more advanced configurations, please refer to the Configuration Reference.