Using the Cosmos API

Cosmos SDK exposes three primary interfaces for interacting with a node. Each interface is accessible through a different port:

  • gRPC: Port 9090
  • REST: Port 1317
  • CometBFT RPC: Port 26657

Nodes also expose other endpoints, such as the CometBFT P2P endpoint, or the Prometheus endpoint, which are not directly related to the Cosmos SDK. For detailed instructions on configuring these additional CometBFT endpoints, refer to the CometBFT Configuration Manual.


The Cosmos SDK uses Protobuf as its primary encoding library. This allows seamless integration with gRPC, a modern, open-source, high performance RPC framework that supports multiple languages.

Querying gRPC

Below is an example of querying the gRPC server for the list of governance proposals using the grpcurl command-line tool:

grpcurl -plaintext

For brevity, only the most recent proposal is shown here.

        "proposals": [
                "id": "49",
                "messages": [
                    "@type": "/ethermint.evm.v1.MsgUpdateParams",
                    "authority": "ethm10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700jpva843",
                    "params": {
                        "evmDenom": "axrp",
                        "extraEips": [
                        "chainConfig": {
                        "homesteadBlock": "0",
                        "daoForkBlock": "0",
                        "daoForkSupport": true,
                        "eip150Block": "0",
                        "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                        "eip155Block": "0",
                        "eip158Block": "0",
                        "byzantiumBlock": "0",
                        "constantinopleBlock": "0",
                        "petersburgBlock": "0",
                        "istanbulBlock": "0",
                        "muirGlacierBlock": "0",
                        "berlinBlock": "0",
                        "londonBlock": "0",
                        "arrowGlacierBlock": "0",
                        "grayGlacierBlock": "0",
                        "mergeNetsplitBlock": "0",
                        "shanghaiBlock": "0",
                        "cancunBlock": "0"
                        "accessControl": {
                        "create": {},
                        "call": {}
                        "activeStaticPrecompiles": [
                "status": "PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED",
                "finalTallyResult": {
                    "yesCount": "16000000",
                    "abstainCount": "0",
                    "noCount": "0",
                    "noWithVetoCount": "0"
                "submitTime": "2024-12-30T09:11:09.219483970Z",
                "depositEndTime": "2025-01-01T09:11:09.219483970Z",
                "totalDeposit": [
                    "denom": "axrp",
                    "amount": "250000000000000000000"
                "votingStartTime": "2024-12-30T09:11:09.219483970Z",
                "votingEndTime": "2024-12-31T09:11:09.219483970Z",
                "metadata": "ipfs://CID",
                "title": "Replace the 0x0 Address with 0x805 in active_precompiles",
                "summary": "A bug in active_precompiles is causing failures in both the precompiles and the x/evm module due to incorrect parameter initialization. This proposal addresses the issue by substituting the 0x0 address with 0x805, ensuring stable and proper functionality for the precompiles and the x/evm module.",
                "proposer": "ethm1akwntffy4us9nhgcmgjxdg78v5w3xtwletyjmv",
                "expedited": true
    "pagination": {
        "total": "49"

For more details on the Cosmos SDK gRPC server, refer to the Cosmos SDK gRPC Server documentation.

The full gRPC server specification is available at


The Cosmos SDK also provides a REST API, allowing users to interact with the blockchain using HTTP requests. This interface is particularly useful for applications or users who prefer a straightforward RESTful approach to querying data.

The following example demonstrates how to query the list of governance proposals using curl:

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json"

For brevity, only the most recent proposal is shown here.

        "proposals": [
                "id": "49",
                "messages": [{
                    "@type": "/ethermint.evm.v1.MsgUpdateParams",
                    "authority": "ethm10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700jpva843",
                    "params": {
                        "evm_denom": "axrp",
                        "extra_eips": ["ethereum_3855"],
                        "chain_config": {
                            "homestead_block": "0",
                            "dao_fork_block": "0",
                            "dao_fork_support": true,
                            "eip150_block": "0",
                            "eip150_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                            "eip155_block": "0",
                            "eip158_block": "0",
                            "byzantium_block": "0",
                            "constantinople_block": "0",
                            "petersburg_block": "0",
                            "istanbul_block": "0",
                            "muir_glacier_block": "0",
                            "berlin_block": "0",
                            "london_block": "0",
                            "arrow_glacier_block": "0",
                            "gray_glacier_block": "0",
                            "merge_netsplit_block": "0",
                            "shanghai_block": "0",
                            "cancun_block": "0"
                        "allow_unprotected_txs": false,
                        "evm_channels": [],
                        "access_control": {
                            "create": {
                                "access_type": "ACCESS_TYPE_PERMISSIONLESS",
                                "access_control_list": []
                            "call": {
                                "access_type": "ACCESS_TYPE_PERMISSIONLESS",
                                "access_control_list": []
                        "active_static_precompiles": ["0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000100", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000400", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000804", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000805"]
                "status": "PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED",
                "final_tally_result": {
                    "yes_count": "16000000",
                    "abstain_count": "0",
                    "no_count": "0",
                    "no_with_veto_count": "0"
                "submit_time": "2024-12-30T09:11:09.219483970Z",
                "deposit_end_time": "2025-01-01T09:11:09.219483970Z",
                "total_deposit": [{
                    "denom": "axrp",
                    "amount": "250000000000000000000"
                "voting_start_time": "2024-12-30T09:11:09.219483970Z",
                "voting_end_time": "2024-12-31T09:11:09.219483970Z",
                "metadata": "ipfs://CID",
                "title": "Replace the 0x0 Address with 0x805 in active_precompiles",
                "summary": "A bug in active_precompiles is causing failures in both the precompiles and the x/evm module due to incorrect parameter initialization. This proposal addresses the issue by substituting the 0x0 address with 0x805, ensuring stable and proper functionality for the precompiles and the x/evm module.",
                "proposer": "ethm1akwntffy4us9nhgcmgjxdg78v5w3xtwletyjmv",
                "expedited": true,
                "failed_reason": ""
    "pagination": {
        "next_key": null,
        "total": "49"

Learn more about the Cosmos REST server in the Cosmos SDK REST Server documentation.

Access the full REST API specification directly at


In addition to the Cosmos SDK, CometBFT independently exposes an RPC server. This server provides access to consensus-related data and includes methods for interacting with the Cosmos SDK through the abci_query endpoint.

The following example demonstrates how to query the list of governance proposals using curl:

curl -X GET '"/"' -H "accept: application/json"

The response includes metadata about the request and the encoded result. The value field (which has been trimmed for brevity) contains the encoded data, that must be decoded (typically Base64) to extract the full content.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": -1,
  "result": {
    "response": {
      "code": 0,
      "log": "",
      "info": "",
      "index": "0",
      "key": null,
      "value": "CqwCCAEShgEKKC9...dsZXR5am12cAESAhAx",
      "proofOps": null,
      "height": "13713161",
      "codespace": ""

Explore the Cosmos CometBFT RPC documentation for more details.

Access the CometBFT RPC interface at