Deploy the Smart Contract

Deploying a smart contract on the XRPL Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) sidechain can be accomplished using two popular tools: Remix IDE and Hardhat. This guide will provide a complete walkthrough for both methods.

Option 1: Deploy Using Remix IDE

Remix is a web-based development environment for smart contracts, perfect for quick deployments and testing.


1. Set Up Your Wallet

  • Install MetaMask
    If you haven't already, install the MetaMask wallet extension in your browser.

  • Connect MetaMask to XRPL EVM
    Below are the Testnet and Devnet RPC details. Choose the appropriate tab for the network you want to use.

XRPL EVM Testnet MetaMask Settings

  • Network Name: XRPL EVM Testnet
  • RPC URL:
  • Chain ID: 1449000
  • Currency Symbol: XRP
  • Block Explorer URL:

Make sure MetaMask is switched to XRPL EVM Testnet before proceeding.

2. Open Remix IDE

3. Write or Import Your Smart Contract

Write your Solidity smart contract or import an existing one. For example:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract HelloWorld {
    string public message;

    constructor(string memory _message) {
        message = _message;

    function setMessage(string memory _message) public {
        message = _message;

4. Compile the Contract

  • In Remix, navigate to the Solidity Compiler tab.
  • Select the appropriate Solidity version and click Compile.

5. Deploy the Contract

  • Go to the Deploy & Run Transactions tab.
  • Select Injected Web3 as the environment (this will connect Remix to MetaMask).
  • Ensure MetaMask is connected to XRPL EVM Testnet or XRPL EVM Devnet, whichever you chose above.
  • Click Deploy, approve the transaction in MetaMask, and wait for the contract to be deployed.

6. Verify Deployment

  • After deployment, you can interact with the contract directly in Remix or view the deployed contract on the XRPL EVM Explorer (Testnet or Devnet) using the contract address.

Option 2: Deploy Using Hardhat

Hardhat is a development framework for Ethereum-compatible smart contracts, ideal for larger projects and automation.


1. Set Up Your Development Environment

  • Install Node.js
    Download and install Node.js.

  • Install Hardhat
    Create a new project folder and install Hardhat:

    mkdir my-hardhat-project
    cd my-hardhat-project
    npm init -y
    npm install --save-dev hardhat
  • Create a Hardhat Project

    npx hardhat

    Select "Create a basic sample project" and follow the prompts.

2. Configure the Network

To manage sensitive information like RPC URLs and private keys, use a .env file.
Below are tabs for Testnet and Devnet network details.

2.1 Install dotenv

npm install dotenv

2.2 Create a .env File

Create a file named .env with the XRPL EVM Testnet details:


Then in hardhat.config.js:


module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.8.24",
  networks: {
    xrplEVM: {
      url: process.env.XRPL_EVM_URL,
      accounts: [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY],

Ensure your chain ID is set to 1449000 (if you use scripts that explicitly reference it).

Warning: Never share your private key publicly. Use environment variables to manage sensitive information.

3. Write Your Smart Contract

  • Create a new file in the contracts folder, e.g., HelloWorld.sol.
  • Write or paste your Solidity smart contract (e.g., the HelloWorld contract shown above).

4. Compile the Contract

  • Run the following command to compile your contract:
    npx hardhat compile

5. Create the Ignition Module

To deploy the contract, you must first create an Ignition module for your HelloWorld contract. This module specifies the contract to deploy and its parameters.

  1. Create the Ignition Directory and Module File:

    mkdir -p ignition/modules && touch ignition/modules/HelloWorld.js
  2. Define the Module in HelloWorld.js:

    const { buildModule } = require("@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ignition/modules");
    module.exports = buildModule("HelloWorldModule", (m) => {
      const initialMessage = m.getParameter("initialMessage");
      const helloWorld = m.contract("HelloWorld", [initialMessage]);
      return { helloWorld };
    • The initialMessage parameter will be passed to the HelloWorld contract constructor.
    • The contract instance is returned for further use.

6. Create the Deployment Script

The deployment script handles the asynchronous logic and interacts with the Ignition module.

  1. Create the Script File:

    mkdir scripts && touch scripts/deploy.js
  2. Write the Deployment Script:

    const HelloWorldModule = require("../ignition/modules/HelloWorld");
    async function getInitialMessage() {
      // Mock function to simulate an asynchronous operation
      return "Hello, XRPL EVM!";
    async function main() {
      const initialMessage = await getInitialMessage();
      if (initialMessage) {
        const { helloWorld } = await hre.ignition.deploy(HelloWorldModule, {
          parameters: { HelloWorldModule: { initialMessage } },
        console.log(`HelloWorld deployed to: ${await helloWorld.getAddress()}`);
        // Fetch the initial message from the contract
        const message = await helloWorld.message();
        console.log("Initial message in contract:", message);
      } else {
        console.log("Initial message is undefined, skipping deployment.");
    • getInitialMessage simulates an asynchronous operation (e.g., API call) to fetch the initial message.
    • The script checks if the initialMessage is valid before proceeding with deployment.
  3. Run the Deployment Script

  • Deploy the contract using:
    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network xrplEVM

7. Verify Deployment

  • Check the contract address in the terminal output.
  • View the deployed contract on the XRPL EVM Explorer (Testnet or Devnet) using the contract address.


Both Remix IDE and Hardhat provide powerful tools for deploying smart contracts on the XRPL EVM. Remix is ideal for quick testing and learning, while Hardhat offers a robust framework for complex projects. Use the Testnet or Devnet RPC and chain details where appropriate, and start building innovative decentralized applications on the XRPL EVM sidechain.